December: Cognition
November: Nutrition
October: Fall Prevention
August: Fine Motor
July: Traveling
“Working Together: Laurie and Theresa and What Came To Be”
The Bridges For Parkinson's Exercise Prescription
June: Sleep and Rest
May Series: Mental Health Awareness Month- Psychiatric Issues
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Your mental health matters! Part II
May: Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Your Mental Health Matters!
Feet: "Takes More Than A Leg To Stand On" Part II
Feet- “ It Takes More Than A Leg To Stand On!”
April: Freezing of Gait
Meet Colleen Bridges
Call On The Fighter 2024 Challenge!
Recover Your Handwriting Retrain Your Brain
How can the Visual System in Persons with Parkinson’s (PD) be affected?
Seeing Eye to Eye with Parkinson’s Disease